Why is refined flour bad for human body

May 02, 2019

Maida aka Refined flour does not have any nutritional value but does have plenty of calories. It is made of wheat grain that contains high amounts of many nutrients, such as, fibre, vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium. During the making process, all the important fibre content is removed that makes it flour with zero nutrients. Read this piece of information to know about the harmful effects of refined flour.

Maida aka Refined flour does not have any nutritional value but does have plenty of calories. It is made of wheat grain that contains high amounts of many nutrients, such as, fibre, vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium. During the making process, all the important fibre content is removed that makes it flour with zero nutrients. Read this piece of information to know about the harmful effects of refined flour.

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