Science says having a sister is good for you

September 24, 2019

A new study says that having a sister, younger or older, helps the sibling deal with ‘harmful adopting behaviors, like hesitance and fearfulness’. Growing up with sisters helps you prevent negative internalising behaviour. These include the feeling of loneliness, guilt, fear and self consciousness. Such internalising behaviors can manifest negative attitudes and may lead to abusing of food, substance abuse, depression and even self harm in extreme cases.

A new study says that having a sister, younger or older, helps the sibling deal with ‘harmful adopting behaviors, like hesitance and fearfulness’. Growing up with sisters helps you prevent negative internalising behaviour. These include the feeling of loneliness, guilt, fear and self consciousness. Such internalising behaviors can manifest negative attitudes and may lead to abusing of food, substance abuse, depression and even self harm in extreme cases.

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