Magic School Bus author dies July 16, 2020 Joanna Cole, author of the vastly popular book series, passed away on 12th July 2020 at the age of 75. Joanna Cole, author of the vastly popular book series, passed away on 12th July 2020 at the age of 75. Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: Celebrity Styles & Events, Hot Trends, LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News ← Previous Story Next Story → You Might Also Like 5 jewellery trends for summer weddi...Why are people testing positive eve...Senior citizens more likely to get ...10 times PeeCee slayed with her hai...Night suit inspirations to take fro...Five-year survival rate: All you ne...5 jewellery trends for summer weddi...Why are people testing positive eve...Senior citizens more likely to get ...10 times PeeCee slayed with her hai...Night suit inspirations to take fro...Five-year survival rate: All you ne... 0 comments