How to realize you are in a toxic friendship

August 03, 2020

Every healthy friendship is a two-way street. You give something and get something. Well, we don't mean it's all materialistic, it's got a lot to do with being each other's emotional support as well. But some friendships make you feel exhausted, where you're the only one giving and never at the receiving end. Where you are always updated with their life struggles but you are never asked how you've been holding up. Such kind of friendships are the ones that are toxic and should not have a place in your life.

Every healthy friendship is a two-way street. You give something and get something. Well, we don't mean it's all materialistic, it's got a lot to do with being each other's emotional support as well. But some friendships make you feel exhausted, where you're the only one giving and never at the receiving end. Where you are always updated with their life struggles but you are never asked how you've been holding up. Such kind of friendships are the ones that are toxic and should not have a place in your life.

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