Weight loss: This guy lost 41 kgs in 5 months

August 06, 2020

A travel blogger by profession, 32-year-old Nivedith was following an unhealthy lifestyle and with time, it got the worse of him. Determined to get healthier, Nivedith used the lockdown time to work on his body. In a span of six months, he shed off all the extra weight and now looks fitter than ever. All this without going to the gym or following a fad diet!

A travel blogger by profession, 32-year-old Nivedith was following an unhealthy lifestyle and with time, it got the worse of him. Determined to get healthier, Nivedith used the lockdown time to work on his body. In a span of six months, he shed off all the extra weight and now looks fitter than ever. All this without going to the gym or following a fad diet!

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