
Getting along with your ex based on your zodiac

October 31, 2020

Breaking up is really hard, but getting along with your ex can be harder. Most of the time, it's downright impossible if they hurt you by lying, cheating or disrespecting your feelings. But, in some cases, it's healthy to nurture a relationship with your ex. Though if there are children or mutual friends involved, it is advisable to maintain a calm connection. This is when astrology can help. Your zodiac sign tells a lot about how you can get along with your ex even if you think it's impossible. So read what your sign says if you're looking to rekindle a friendly relationship with your ex.

Breaking up is really hard, but getting along with your ex can be harder. Most of the time, it's downright impossible if they hurt you by lying, cheating or disrespecting your feelings. But, in some cases, it's healthy to nurture a relationship with your ex. Though if there are children or mutual friends involved, it is advisable to maintain a calm connection. This is when astrology can help. Your zodiac sign tells a lot about how you can get along with your ex even if you think it's impossible. So read what your sign says if you're looking to rekindle a friendly relationship with your ex.

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