How often should women get a pap smear test done?

December 02, 2020

Being the second most common cancer in women between the age group of 15 and 44 years of age, the awareness towards cervical cancer and its screening are miniscule in our country. Cervical cancer is a completely preventable disease because of its well defined, long pre-malignant phase and it can be detected easily by regular screening tests and follow up. Unfortunately, the females in India are unaware about the screening process for the cervical cancer care.

Being the second most common cancer in women between the age group of 15 and 44 years of age, the awareness towards cervical cancer and its screening are miniscule in our country. Cervical cancer is a completely preventable disease because of its well defined, long pre-malignant phase and it can be detected easily by regular screening tests and follow up. Unfortunately, the females in India are unaware about the screening process for the cervical cancer care.

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