Weight loss: “I followed 16 hours of daily fasting”

December 14, 2020

Weight gain is often a bad side-effect of PCOS and with a newborn around, 32-year-old Sasirekha found it cumbersome and difficult to manage things around. Chronic back pain made her realize she must take steps to correct her lifestyle. So, she started Intermittent Fasting and fought off excess weight in a year. To know how she did it, and the exercise routine she followed, read the transformation story below:

Weight gain is often a bad side-effect of PCOS and with a newborn around, 32-year-old Sasirekha found it cumbersome and difficult to manage things around. Chronic back pain made her realize she must take steps to correct her lifestyle. So, she started Intermittent Fasting and fought off excess weight in a year. To know how she did it, and the exercise routine she followed, read the transformation story below:

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