How to make time for intimacy

February 03, 2021

We live in a fast-paced world, where change is constant. In a world where we don't have time for each other at all, finding people who stick by and truly loves you is indeed rare. Aim to never let them go. Intimacy, communication and most importantly, spending time with each other is an essential part of a healthy relationship. So, we bring to you common ways to make time for intimacy with your loved ones, based on your zodiac sign.

We live in a fast-paced world, where change is constant. In a world where we don't have time for each other at all, finding people who stick by and truly loves you is indeed rare. Aim to never let them go. Intimacy, communication and most importantly, spending time with each other is an essential part of a healthy relationship. So, we bring to you common ways to make time for intimacy with your loved ones, based on your zodiac sign.

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