Weight loss story: “I have overnight soaked sabja seeds”

February 04, 2021

A sedentary and busy lifestyle made Madan Rajesh lose track of his increasing weight. His waist size increased from 34 to 44 inches in no time. A sudden visit to the doctor's clinic opened his eyes to the problem which lay ahead of him. So, with a strong will-power and courage to get fitter, he lost all the extra weight in a few months and now is an inspiration to many like him.

A sedentary and busy lifestyle made Madan Rajesh lose track of his increasing weight. His waist size increased from 34 to 44 inches in no time. A sudden visit to the doctor's clinic opened his eyes to the problem which lay ahead of him. So, with a strong will-power and courage to get fitter, he lost all the extra weight in a few months and now is an inspiration to many like him.

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