Painful ways emotional abuse changes you

March 09, 2021

Recovering from an emotionally abusive relationship isn’t easy. After being committed to someone for long, it is mentally challenging to fight the toxicity and negativity that person left behind in your life. And it is only natural that your current perception about love and relationship isn’t positive. As you relive the hurtful incidents or words, again and again, you’re forced to realise how the toxic relationship has changed you completely. So, here are some ways in which emotional abuse can change your mindset drastically.

Recovering from an emotionally abusive relationship isn’t easy. After being committed to someone for long, it is mentally challenging to fight the toxicity and negativity that person left behind in your life. And it is only natural that your current perception about love and relationship isn’t positive. As you relive the hurtful incidents or words, again and again, you’re forced to realise how the toxic relationship has changed you completely. So, here are some ways in which emotional abuse can change your mindset drastically.

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