Ways bosses make you work for longer hours

December 02, 2020

The word of the boss at any workplace is mostly the ultimatum every employee has to abide by. Whether it is about barking instructions on a new project or denying your 3-day leave for a mini-vacation. They are extremely meticulous yet clever and know how to make their team work productively, even if it means making them work for longer hours. Some bosses even find clever ways to stretch your work hours, without you even realising it. So, we have listed down some possible sneaky ways your bosses can make you work for longer hours.

The word of the boss at any workplace is mostly the ultimatum every employee has to abide by. Whether it is about barking instructions on a new project or denying your 3-day leave for a mini-vacation. They are extremely meticulous yet clever and know how to make their team work productively, even if it means making them work for longer hours. Some bosses even find clever ways to stretch your work hours, without you even realising it. So, we have listed down some possible sneaky ways your bosses can make you work for longer hours.

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